Have you been needing a fresh dose of inspiration lately?

We all do. Some people almost seek it like a drug, I am one of those people. The issue is not whether or not we need inspiration, we do. The concern is where we are seeking inspiration and our perspective surrounding it.

Something happens in us when we see or hear about another human being accomplishing something extremely amazing, or overcoming outrageous odds. When the impossibilities of life are lived out by someone else, it should push you to press the bounds of what it is you think you’re capable of. A healthy response is, “If they can do it, I can do it!”

Inspiration and encouragement is needed, face it. The question is how and where we draw inspiration from. Some people tend to limit themselves from drawing on the fascinating achievements of others due to their own limiting beliefs. For instance, religious and political beliefs seem to be the best example. If you refuse to draw from the courage and insight of another persons life simply because you don’t agree with everything about them, you’re only limiting yourself.

You don’t have to agree with the details about a persons life in order to allow aspects of their life to edify and motivate you. Let’s say you don’t agree with a very successful business man because of his political position. What your saying is that you don’t know who you are, it has very little to do with them. If you know your true identity, and you were comfortable in it, you could study aspects of his life and be inspired to use some of his practices that work. But because so many people will only allow themselves to be influenced by people they completely agree with, they block themselves from needed growth and change.

When we only partner with or allow ourselves to be influenced by people we agree with, we shield ourselves from a whole new arena that can build and strengthen us into the multifaceted purpose driven person we are born to be.

Knowing who you are called to be and being confident in who you are enables you to draw inspiration almost anywhere and from anyone. The confidence of knowing who you are is what positions you to be able to process anyone’s message or routines and take what works for you and politely dismiss what doesn’t work for you.

The limiting mindset of only allowing yourself to be influenced by people you agree with is a revealing of fear. If you have trapped yourself in a bubble of thinking that your perspective is the only right one, then you are positioning yourself for a decrease in motivation, and blocked yourself from the healthy increase that could fuel you to greater things.

I’m not talking about our foundational beliefs or morals. I have beliefs and morals that you couldn’t change if you tried. I’m talking about the fear of possibly having to admit that your wrong in a perspective towards some aspect of life. That’s why so many people won’t go anywhere but to people they know they agree with, it’s because they see themselves inside those people, and when your mindset is that you are the only one that’s right you begin to be very wrong about having to be right.

Let yourself be challenged by people that you know you don’t see eye to eye with, it will strengthen the inside of you which will empower you to change what’s outside you. We always need the world inside of us changed before we can effectively impact and change the world around us. Challenge yourself to draw inspiration from many sources, it will benefit you in ways you can’t imagine and it will birth an energizing momentum in you.
